One Month

Yesterday marked one month since we brought our little Ashlyn home just days shy of her 9 month birthday.  One month of joy, and laughter, and tears, and being overwhelmed with all that is motherhood – along with trying to get to know each other and figure out how we work together.

First, let me say this little girl is a joy.  When she smiles, her whole face lights up.  And when she laughs – the whole world wants to laugh with her.  I take her to stores, and seriously, people stop me every time to tell me how beautiful she is.  Of course we believe that, but it is sweet for other people to notice her.  She is outgoing and loves checking everything and everyone out.  No doubt she is a curious girl that loves activity.  People always say “those eyes” – they are beautiful and expressive and there is just nothing like my daughter’s eyes. 

The first week or so was a little tough around the bedtimes – much screaming ensued (more hers, but probably some from me as well).  Thankfully, getting her on a schedule, and used to her bedroom/crib, and settled with us and knowing she will see the same things/people every day seems to have solved that miraculously fast.  Normally, there is barely a whimper at bedtime – aside from the typical “life is too interesting to sleep so I want to fight it as long as possible” scenario. 

And thanks to the generosity of family and friends, this girl has a wardrobe that both Michael and I envy – far more stylish than both of our wardrobes put together.  And she wears it so well. 

To everyone who has sent us gifts, please forgive my delay in getting thank you notes sent out.  I’ve been rather busy trying to learn 9 months of parenting in just a few weeks.  But things are settling down and I am making progress. 

I was looking at the pictures from when we met her, and when we first brought her home – and although it was only a month ago, I am struck by how different she looks to me now. 

She is crawling like crazy – and pulling herself to standing all of the time – and staying standing!  I’m sure it is only a short time before she will be walking – holy heck!  She is eating chunks of food, and so far we can’t find any food she doesn’t like.  Yea!  I’ve been making purees, and also giving her chunks of soft food as she as transitioning to steak and potatoes (well, not for awhile).  

But, she just popped her 5th tooth – it was a toughie.  At least we think that is what happened this week, but maybe she caught a bug at the same time.  We lived through our first feverish, congested, cranky baby days.  Poor thing, I just wished I could take it away and make her feel better.   Those sad eyes made me want to cry.  But, yesterday she woke up fever free and happy!  The sun was shining and life was good again.  

She loves her white bunny lovey – do you have any idea how often a white lovey needs to be washed?  Pretty much daily – I’ve got to buy 3 (or 5) more of those while I can get them.  But it is so soft and so cute, she (and we) are just drawn to that lovey. 

She’s also a dancer – loves to shake to the music or just sway back and forth, so darn cute, I think we have another musical person in the family – she seems to particularly enjoy 80s pop music.  LOL  Her favorite toys are the ones she can chew on – particularly Sophie the giraffe.  A friend brought one over, and all 3 girls at the playdate were jockeying for time with Sophie.  Them French folks are smart!  That toy has been around since the 60s I think.   She also likes the ones that make the most noise – although she and Rusty (our Shih Tzu) would be very happy if I let them both trade toys – he’s attracted to her toys, and she would like nothing better than to chew on one of his rawhide or chew toys.  Rusty is so sweet with her – likes to lick her (give her kisses) and tolerates an amazing amount of hair and collar grabbing while we are trying to teach her that she must be gentle with the animals.  Max, our 19 year old Siamese Himalayan cat, just tries to stay out of her reach. 

She loves her Daddy – and he’s wonderful with her!  My heart just melts when I watch them together – teasing, playing, loving.  For a man with no experience with babies, he’s a pro now, and as we speak is on his first outing alone with her.   Yea!  

In some ways it is hard to believe that a month has passed – it went by so quickly, and yet our lives are so incredibly changed that the days before Ashlyn seem a long time ago.   I do realize how incredibly blessed we are to have this little girl in our lives.

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9 Responses to One Month

  1. Jessica says:

    Your daughter is beautiful!!! I am so excited for you mamma…my heart smiles to hear you talk about your little one. Congrats!!!!

  2. brianna says:

    Sue, she is so adorable. I am so happy for you and your husband. Happy early Mother’s Day.


  3. marina says:

    Hi Ashlyn!! So nice to meet you! You are going to LOVE what your future has in store for you! We love you too!

  4. MyTwoLines says:

    I am so so happy for you both! And of course, I love her name 🙂

  5. Joanie says:

    She is an absolute dollbaby…but I especially love the hair!!
    Happy Mothers’ Day!

  6. Sue says:

    Thank you all for your comments! and Joanie – that hair is getting wavier and more auburn by the day. 🙂 Tooth number six popped through today.

  7. Mary Elizabeth says:

    Can you send me info about the attorney you used, we are waiting to adopt a little girl and are wanting to reach out to find more situations. Thanks!

    • Sue says:

      Mary Elizabeth, I apologize that i had missed this question earlier. We used AdoptHelp. And you can most certainly contact me directly via email if you have questions or want to chat about this more. Wishing you the best.

  8. Travica says:

    She is GORGEOUS!! Congrats!!!

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